My vacation kicked off with a somewhat spontaneous trip to Baltimore. My roommate and I headed up to Charm City around 6:30 met up with some friends and then headed over to Rams Head for the
Saturday morning I woke up not feeling too great but knew I needed to get to Easton sooner than later. During my packing extravaganza I wondered how many calories were in a Budwieser. Yes, these are the things I think of
Once I was all packed and fed (bacon and eggs) I made my way to the Eastern shore after stopping at the Annapolis mall to exchange some shorts and Starbucks to keep me awake. Starbucks ended up having a promotion that after 2 pm you could bring you receipt to any Starbucks and get a refill $2. Well once I got home, I chatted it up with my 2 Aunts who were in town and took Starbucks up on their offer. I have never had two coffees in a day but it was much needed.
when hungover. A 12 oz. Budwieser turns out to be 145 calories. A Budlight isn't even that much better. Budlight is a whopping 110 calories per 12 ounces. Talk about empty calories. And for you Cider lovers *cough Emily cough* one Angry Orchard is an insane 210 calories!!!
2nd Annual Catilina Wine Mixer |
about a mile and boy was it hot! The humidity here is rough! I kind of enjoyed running with out music though. After I got a little cardio in I went to a friends to layout.
Today I got back into it though. I woke up and snuck into the gym. Since I hadn't lifted in days I did all three circuits. While working out, a lady came up to me and asked where I got my workouts from. It's so humbling when people come to you for advice. It's one of the reasons I created this blog.
Here's today's workout:
20 minute warm up on Arc Trainer
Push Ups
Bench Press
Pec Fly
Narrow Push Ups
O.H. Tricep Extension
Wide Grip Pull Down
1 Arm Row
Seated Cable Row
Underhand Cable Pull Down
Alternating DB Curl
1 Arm DB Preacher Curl
Standing Biceps Cable Curl
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Barbell Squat
Leg Curl
Calf Raises
Finished with Core.
Tomorrow I will head back to the district and then Friday, Fit Foodie Fantic and I are going to create a workout to do on the Mall so stay tuned for that! Hope everyone's having a great week. Only two more days until the weekend!

Don't forget your incredibly relaxing pool day with me!!!