Wide grip Lat Pull-Down 3X12
One-Arm DB Row 3X12
Seated Cable Row 3X12
Underhand Cable Pulldown 3X12
Alternating DB Curl 3X12 It really started to get tough here.
One-Arm DB Preacher Curl 3X12 UGHHHH struggle city
Standing Bicep Cable Curl 3X12
Finished with ABs and then had some greek yogurt post workout.
That was workout #1. After my yogurt I took an Ab class followed by a sports conditioning class. Needless to say baby girl is beat. Once I got home I had dinner already in the over for me thanks to my kind roommate. Ran upstairs showered and by that time dinner was ready. Tonight I had talapia and a sweet potato. I always need something sweet so for dessert I had a few blueberries and a chiboni bite. I highly recommend them. They are only 100 calories and delicious. Tonight I had coffee with chocolate chips (probably not 100% cleanse approved but it's a better alternative to Oreos.
Tomorrow is leg day!!! I'm really excited. Squats are my favorite. Welp folks I'm going to go watch another episode of Orange is the new black and call it a night.

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