Today was filled with picture after picture of roses, jewelry, and candy. The only candy I ate today was M & M's. I probably ate 10 handfuls too many. I haven't been vary strict with my Whole 30 ended last week. I've had bread, ice cream, candy, wine, mashed potatoes and pretzels. You are probably shaking your head and rolling your eyes after reading that. I also didn't run today. Tisk Tisk.
I did however make the most delicious Paleo Chocolate Cake for my boss's birthday. I may have had three pieces it was that good! I told you I have really been bad lately. My boss told me to be careful because it's easy to fall off the wagon after your 30 days and he definitely was right. With my boy coming to visit this weekend I don't see it getting any better to be honest. I will do my best to get a few workouts in though.
Even though I have been making poor choices when it comes to food I have managed to work out everyday this week including taking two yoga classes. I can definitely feel a difference in my flexibility but I still have a ways to go. Well I'm off to bed. I open tomorrow so I need all the shut eye I can get.
Here are pictures of my master piece. I definitely recommend giving this recipe a try!

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