The days are getting longer. The birds are starting to chirp. Our favorite shows have returned.
Today was a beautiful day. I'm so happy that I opened because I was able to take advantage of the warm temperature. I skipped my daily weight lifting BUT did get a great work out this morning in class AND ran .97 miles this afternoon. Running outside is 100 times more difficult than on the treadmill. Outside there are hills, uneven surfaces and speeding cars. All these elements make it much more challenging but a lot fun. As I've said time and time again, I am not a fan of running. I am really trying though! I want to kick The Color Run's butt not the other way around. So I guess this brings me to my next goal.... be able to run a mile in less than 10 minutes by March 1st. I chose less than 10 minutes because right now I can just make 10 minutes on the treadmill. I fluctuate speeds and would like to actually run a straight mile with "ease". HA
In order to achieve this goal I am going to commit to running outside (weather permitting) at least once a week and inside at least three times. I'm not going to lie... I typed twice a week for outside but I don't think that is realistic. It is very important to set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) and saying I will run outside at least twice a week is not realistic. As I'm writing this I am watching The Biggest Loser. I just realized that on their second week on the show they ran a 5 k. This makes me want to train even harder because if they can do it so can I!!!
Tonight I'm going to bake a Paleo Chocolate Cake with Coconut Honey Icing. I'll be sure to post about it tomorrow!

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