I checked yes to all of the above. I was obsessed with my Nike Free Run+'s the moment I opened the box...over a year ago.... wait I mean 2 years. If you have never tried on a pair you are missing out. They are so light and comfortable! If you need support I wouldn't recommend them but other than that I give them 4 stars (nothings perfect haha).
I was so in love with my pair I searched high and low for the exact same pair. Of coarse it was nearly impossible to find the same make and size. Not many ebay'ers sell 6.5 Nike Free Run+'s when Nike is all the way to the 5.0!
After comparing 2.0 to 3.0 to 4.0 to 5.0 I settled for the 4.0's. One thing that I LOVED about my ol' faithfuls was that the tongue was completely attached. My 4.0's are only slightly attached. Leave it to Nike.
Wednesday was the first day I actually wore them all day and boy was it obvious. My feet were killing me after my H.I.I.T. class but the pain went away in time for me to take Kickboxing. During kickboxing they started to hurt again so I had to modify most of the movements.
Tomorrow I'm going to try them out on the treadmill so we will see how that goes!
Have you had to break in shoes recently?

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