Today marks day 16 of the challenge. Perform one plank for time and 2 sets of 15 push-ups.
Day 17 Since it's calling for snow there is a chance you will be home from work! Meaning more time to work on handstands! When I've been practicing my handstands I've noticed that I feel most weak in my shoulders. I was told by practicing this push-up variation I'll feel more comfortable holding myself up. Practice your downward dog for a few breaths and then perform a set of 8 push-ups. Go back to
downward dog for a few more breaths and repeat for 3 sets. Your shoulders are sure to be burning after completing 4 sets.
Next flip over and get into tabletop position. Exhale your hips and straighten your legs so that your hips hover the floor. Make sure your hands are underneath your shoulders and your ankles underneath your knees. Hold for a few breaths and exhale your hips and straighten your legs all while keeping your arms straight. I know I know, it's a lot to think about. Take your time with it. Perform 5 reps.
Time to get that tummy tiiiight. Perform 1 minute of bicycle crunches. Rest 60 seconds and repeat circuit two or three times.
Day 18 L Stand. This move is going to work our upper back and shoulders. What your going ot do is place your heels against the bottom of a wall. Hopefully you are doing this somewhere that you don't mind scuff marks on the wall! Walk your feet up the wall until your legs are parallel to the floor and your body forms a 90-degree angle. If this is enough for you, hold for a few breaths and walk your way back down. Repeat this 10 times. If you are comfortable to move on, raise your right leg, hold for 2 breaths and repeat on right. Return to start and repeat 10 more times!
Day 19 Rest!
Day 20 Perform 2 timed planks.

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