The event started with a complementary WOD. Unfortunately, I missed it but made up for it by doing 50 burpees for some raffle tickets. Those 50 burpees won me a shirt, bag and a water bottle. After raffles, we grabbed some yummy BBQ and got ready to watch Tyler perform!
Tyler and James, a coach at Patriot Crossfit, completed FRAN. Fran consisted of 21-15-9 Thrusters and Pull-ups. Of course my man killed it to no surprise. Once the workout was over bottles began to pop. To no ones surprise my fellow fitbottomed friend, Andi, and I decided that we would rather pick things up and put them down. We immediately took the opportunity to get our own workout in. I got the chance to work on handstands which I was really pumped for. Once Andi and I headed over to the wall we had numerous of people come over and give us some tips. By the end of the day I had performed an actual free standing handstand!!

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