Fortunately I didn't wake up with a stomach ache but unfortunately I woke up at 8:30. It's comforting that I'm not the only one of my friends that no longer can sleep in. We all piled into one bed and laughed at the events of the previous night. All the laughter made us hungry so we drove over to THB. I'm still practicing paleo for the most part so instead of my typical egg, ham and cheese bagel, I ordered a veggie omelet and didn't eat my hash browns.
After breakfast we went back to the house and changed for the gym. Since the gym is only 6 blocks and the weather was decent we decided to run there. This made me realize I really need to step up my training for the Color Run.
Once I finished the 100 question guest form we jumped on the elliptical for 20 minutes. We were those obnoxious girls at the gym talking about boys and reminiscing about how much we missed college. After our warm-up we took Body Pump. I love this class. The music is always really good and you get an excellent workout. If you haven't taken the class before you should definitely give it a try. However I do not recommend the instructor we had. She was not very encouraging, she was off beat, and the class seemed to be dragging on and on. Fortunately she said it was her last day so maybe that had something to do with it.
Tomorrow will be week 3 of the Bikini Body challenge. So far you haven't been eating bread or pasta. This week instead of giving something else up we are going to add something. Water.
Many of us do not drink near enough water. Most people don't even drink water on a daily basis which is scary. The average american drinks 45 gallons of soda a year. That equals 42 pounds of sugar. This week increase your water intake to the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. By increasing your water intake you will flush out toxins and help your body carry out normal functions.
This week I will be posting daily AB workouts under the Workouts tab. Monday's workout will be posted shortly.
Hope everyone had a great weekend filled with friends and laughter.

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