Saturday night I went and saw OZ in IMAX 3D. The movie itself I'd give 2 1/2 stars but the visual effects definitely made it worth it. I loooove movie theatre popcorn. I don't put any salt or butter on it. I think it's perfect the way it comes. Normally I won't get anything over a small but the boy brought back a jumbo size... I didn't hate it but my stomach did.
For St. Patricks day we actually went to an authentic celebration with corn beef and cabbage, bottles on bottles of Jameson, and bag pipe performances. Needless to say this weekend was rough on my body.
I'm back on the paleo wagon though....well after the boo and I go to sushi tonight....
Anyway... Bikini Body Week 2!!!
So you've given up bread and you increased your cardio. This week you are going to eliminate pasta as well. There are alternatives to pasta so if you feel you can't life without it (rolling my eyes) substitute quinoa. Along with no pasta or bread each day you will perform this circuit:
30 Jumping Jacks
40 Second Plank
50 Bicycle Crunches
40 Reverse Crunches
30 Straight Leg Crunches
Monday you will do it once through, Tuesday 2x, Wednesday 3x, Thursday 4x, and Friday 5x!!! Between circuits take a 45-60 second "break" where you grab some water and catch your breath. Alright... have at it!
Commit below and let me know how it went!!

May I substitute jumping jacks for star jumps?
ReplyDeleteStar jumps are a great modification. Not only are they effective but they are so much fun!