For weeks, I have been biting my tongue on the issue of Carbs. I wish I had a dollar every time I heard a girl say, “Just cut the carbs and you’ll be skinny” or “I don’t eat carbs”. My blood pressure is raising as a write this. WHOOOOOSAAAAAA
Some genius somewhere started the rumor that carbohydrates are bad and made millions off their fad diet. I curse the day that individual was born!
First what is a carbohydrate? For all you idio…. Sorry. Let me start again. Carbohydrates are what your body uses to make glucose. Glucose is the fuel that gives you energy and helps keep everything working. Why would you deprive your body of something it needs?
First what is a carbohydrate? For all you idio…. Sorry. Let me start again. Carbohydrates are what your body uses to make glucose. Glucose is the fuel that gives you energy and helps keep everything working. Why would you deprive your body of something it needs?
Where do you find carbohydrates?
· Fruits
· Vegetables
· Breads, cereals, and other grains
· Milk
· Foods containing added sugars (cakes, cookies, and sugar sweetened beverages)
You can choose to get your carbs the right way or the wrong way but either way you need carbs.
There are two types of carbohydrates.
· Complex carbohydrates
· Simple carbohydrates
There are two types of complex carbohydrates; starch and dietary fiber. Both can be found in vegetables.
Simple carbohydrates include sugars found NATURALLY in foods such as fruits, vegetables and milk. Of course, you could choose to get your carbs from processed foods if you do not care about your body. Processed foods have little to no nutritional value, are loaded with tons of junk but give you that spike of energy and then leave you wanting more.
So don’t be an idiot and believe that cutting carbs will make you skinny. Carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet.
Here are some tips for adding GOOD carbs to your diet (not paleo however):
1. Whole Grains on Whole Grains. Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber which many of us don’t get.
2. Bag the WHITE potatoes. Instead of white potatoes, try brown rice or whole wheat pasta.
3. Stay off the juice. Choose actual fruit not fruit juice. Fruit juice is loaaaaaaaaaaded with sugar and other junk.
4. Bring on da beans! Beans are an excellent carbohydrate as well as source of protein.
Carbs for Cavemen and women? VEGGIES on VEGGIES and a little fruit!!! Let those non-paleo people suffer from leaky gut and other digestive problems while we become stronger and healthier ;)
Wow. I feel much better now that I got that off my chest. Whewwww.
No go and get your crunch on!

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