As I stayed in bed as long as I could this morning, I decided what better way to celebrate a day off then to workout. Today's workout was based around the 12 days of Christmas. I messed it up the first 3 rounds but then I got it right. So what you want to do is the 1st exercise once... then the 1st exercise and the 2nd exercise.... and so on.
Heres what you'll need/I used:
Squat Press: I used a 24 lb. body bar but you could use dumbbells or even a loaded barbell
Renegade Rows: Dumbbells I used 15 lb.
Chest Press: I used the flat bench for this but you could always use dumbbells and a stability ballDeadlifts: I used a barbell but these can be done with bodybars or dumbbells too!
KB Swings: I used a 20 lb. kettle bell
Box Jumps: Find steps to do these on or you can use a flat bench, I used a 12.5 inch box
Pull-Ups: Assisted unless you're feeling extra strong
Leg Press: If you don't have access to a leg press machine do Goblet Squats instead
You want to rest as little as possible. I grabbed water twice and almost puked once but managed to complete the workout in under 30 minutes. I probably could have done much better but I kept messing up in the beginning. Here's my before and after picture. I even made a nice sweat angel!!

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