I am officially Group Exercise Instructor Certified! OH HAPPY DAY! Now I need to get my American College of Sports Medicine Health Fitness Specialist certification. That sounds even more fun!
So it's week 4 of Bikini Body Challenge. I hope you behaved on Easter and stayed away from the rolls and haven't had any pasta in weeks. Somehow I don't believe many of you have so I'm going to give you a killer workout today!
1 Minute of Toe Touches
1 Minute of Russian Twists
30 Second Plank (on hands and toes)
1 Minute Side Plank (30 seconds each side)
30 Second Recovery
1 Minute Mountain Climbers
1 Minute Corkscrew
1 Minute Reverse Crunches
30 Second Recovery
Put in work today!

Congrats Britt!