I began blogging as a way to help people become more active and make healthier choices. Never could I imagine I would have 80 others interested in changing their eating habits. With spring in the air, people start to come out of hibernation and become interested in how to get a six pack. Yes, it's true, abs are made in the kitchen. No matter how much you sweat in the gym, if you continue to eat like crap you'll never reach your goal.
Those of you reading this from afar, ask to join the FBG's Whole30 Challenge group on FB if you're interested in how to eat clean or follow the FBGLivinginanunfitworld blog for workouts. If you're from Talbot County or close by, join me every Saturday at 10AM for Boot Camp at Easton Fit4Life.
Hump Day Workout
Repeat as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes
- 20 Air Squats
- 10 Reverse Lunges /per side
- 20 Speed Skaters
- 10 Step Ups /per side
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. To those of you who have shared the FB group with their friends and family thanks, it's because of you I continue to do what I do.