So today, my High Intensity Interval Training class was really fun. Yes I realize my definition of fun may be different from most. Whether or not your agree, it WAS a great workout and I have to share it!
For those of you new to HIIT it is an enhanced form of interval training where you alternate periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. The short intense format allows for optimal fat burning. Long story short, you'll burn more calories doing 10 minutes of HIIT then running 10 miles on the treadmill. hashtag afterburn
Today we performed 4 sets of 2 exercises. Each set was performed back to back with 15 seconds of recovery between rounds. Each exercise was performed at 100% effort for 20 seconds.
Set 1 20 seconds each BACK-to BACK 4X
Squat Jacks
Spider Pushup
15 seconds recovery then repeat
After 4th round 1 Minute water break
Set 2
Star Jump
Mountain Climber
15 seconds recovery then repeat
After 4th round 1 Minute water break
Set 3
Thigh Slap Jumps (knees up to hands)
Push Up Jacks (modification Plank Jacks)
20 seconds recovery then repeat
After 4th round 1 Minute water break
High Knees
Dynamic Squats
20 seconds recovery then repeat
After 4th round 1 Minute water break
Tabata: 4 Minutes, 2 exercises, 20 seconds work/10 seconds recovery 4 rounds
Heel Kicks
If you have any questions on how to perform any of the exercises you can always Youtube it or send me a message and I'll be happy to help!
Now I'm off to my softball game. Hopefully we can pull a W !!!