Well well well. Look who has been neglecting their followers again. I’m the worst I know!
Here’s what I’ve been up to….
My best friend Lindsay visited the first week in May and to no surprise, we had a very active weekend. We kicked our reunion off with a 6.34 mile tour of all the monuments. The following day we hiked the Billy Goat trail. She even brought along some yummy Paleo Primal Pacs.
Here’s what I’ve been up to….
My best friend Lindsay visited the first week in May and to no surprise, we had a very active weekend. We kicked our reunion off with a 6.34 mile tour of all the monuments. The following day we hiked the Billy Goat trail. She even brought along some yummy Paleo Primal Pacs.
I completed my first 5k! The Color Run was the perfect race to be my first. They aren’t lying when they say it’s the happiest 5k in the world. Even though the weather was overcast and rainy it didn’t stop anyone from having a smile on their face….well maybe Carlye. She hated me that day ;)
I had an amazing Memorial Day weekend with my cousin. We are usually attached at the hip during the summer time but this whole full time job and living in DC has kept us from soaking up the sun. Lucky for us we made it to Seacrets on the best day.
My softball team has been on a losing streak but the playoffs are what really matters. We still have a chance at that number one spot! We have a game tomorrow so hopefully I’ll be able to brag about our losing streak being over.
I am teaching a different style of High Intensity Interval Training class at work. I now am able to incorporate weights, which is a lot of fun. I have been taking certain Crossfit moves and putting a spin on them.

· Peppers
· Lettuce
· Cauliflower
· Tomatoes
· Squash
· Cucumbers
· Eggplant
So far I’ve had lettuce and beets from the garden. I’m looking forward to the eggplant the most! I’d like to get back into making my own hummus.
Summer time and live music go hand in hand; therefor I have been going to see many different bands. This past weekend I went to Firefly music festival in Dover, Delaware. WOW. What an amazing time. The lineup was phenomenal and the company could not have been better. I made many new friends and shared many laughs. I even met a cute boy. We got weird and did push-ups together after Red Hot Chili Peppers. If you know me, it probably doesn't surprise you that I was turned on by the amount of push ups he could do.
Besides listening to great music, there were many fun things to do at Firefly. I was impressed with the healthy food options they provided. I was talking about it to my cute new friend and he said, "hippies know how to take care of their bodies" and I guess in a way they do. There were ton of vegetarian options and even a few vegan selections. I really wanted to try some of their vegetable juices but went with Heineken's instead. I did indulge in a Strawberry Banana smoothie on Sunday because it was so darn hot!

Each morning they offered yoga. I never made it because the walk was so far but I thought that was pretty cool. In the mornings I just soaked in the peaceful vibes being outside offers. I don't really get that anymore living in the city.
I promise to be better.
What have you been up to?
I promise to be better.
What have you been up to?